In our annual investment outlook, we reflect on the year that was. This includes a stock market that soared more than 60% off March lows and a 10-year government note with a yield that remained below 1% most of the year. Certain segments of the market embraced three to five years of technology advancements in less than a year, while other segments slowed or came to a halt.

Looking ahead to 2021 and beyond, we still see investment themes that will be impacted from trends created or accelerated by the COVID pandemic, such as e-commerce, payment networks, remote work, re-imagined office space, reduced business travel, and a bio-pharma/technology revolution. We also see a stock market with broad strength, as most companies are finally contributing to this rally.

To read our full market commentary, please click here: 2021 Market Outlook

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or schedule a conversation.


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